Thursday, May 19, 2011

Information technology

Information and Communication Technology (ICT), or in English known as the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), is a big umbrella term that covers all the technical equipment to process and convey information. ICT covers two aspects of information technology and communication technology. Information technology encompasses all matters relating to process, use as a tool, manipulation, and management information. While communication technology is anything that relates to the use of tools to process and transfer data from one device to another. Therefore, information technology and communication technology are two inseparable concepts. So the Information and Communication Technology contains broad understanding of all activities related to the processing, manipulation, management, transfer of information between the media. The term ICT emerged after the introduction of a combination of computer technology (both hardware and software) with communications technology in the mid-20th century. Blend the two technologies was growing rapidly beyond any other technology. Until the beginning of the 21st century ICT still continue to experience various changes and have not seen the point of saturation.
There are several milestone developments in technology which significantly contribute to the development of ICT to the present. First is finding telephone by Alexander Graham Bell in 1875. The findings are then developed into the procurement of communication with the cable network covering the entire mainland United States, even followed the installation of trans-Atlantic communications cable. Telephone network is a massive infrastructure that was built first humans to global communication. Entering the 20th century, precisely between the years 1910 to 1920, realized a wireless voice transmission through the first AM radio broadcast. This wireless voice communications were soon booming. Then followed by audio-visual transmission without wires, which form broadcast television in the 1940s. The first electronic computer operations in 1943. Then followed by a phase of miniaturization of electronic components through the invention of the transistor in 1947 and integrated circuit (integrated electronics) in 1957. The development of electronics technology, which is the embryo of ICT at this time, get a golden moment in the Cold War era. Science and technology competition between the Western bloc (United States) and Eastern Bloc (former USSR) actually spur technological development through the efforts of electronic miniaturization of electronic circuit for controlling the spacecraft as well as the machines of war. Miniaturization of electronic components, through the creation of an integrated circuit, at its peak gave birth to a microprocessor. Microprocessor that is the 'brains' of computer hardware and continue to evolve until today. Telecommunications equipment developed rapidly when digital technology began to be used to replace analog technology. Analog technology started to show the maximum limits pengeksplorasiannya. Digitalization of telecommunications equipment and computers converge with that from the beginning is a device that adopts digital technology. This convergence products that currently appear in the form of a cell phone. On top of telecommunications and computing infrastructure is the content of the content (content) in the form of multimedia to get the right place to grow. Telecommunications Convergence - multimedia computing is what characterizes the 21st century, as the 18th century is characterized by the industrial revolution. When the industrial revolution to make the machines as a substitute for 'muscle' man, then the digital revolution (because of the convergence of telecommunications - the multimedia computing occur through the implementation of digital technology) to create machines that replace (or at least improve the ability of) the 'brains' of man.

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